
Melati Shopping Trolley Interface.


Class Summary
DefaultShoppingTrolley A Shopping Trolley stores information in the user's Shopping Trolley.
DefaultShoppingTrolleyItem What you get if you don't specify something.
MelatiShoppingConfig The MelatiShoppingConfig provides configuration information for the Melati Shopping Interface.
ShoppingContext A ShoppingContext contains additional information from parsing the pathInfo.
ShoppingTrolley A Shopping Trolley stores information in the user's Shopping Trolley.
ShoppingTrolleyItem Extend this to create your own ShoppingTrolleyItem.
Trolley A servlet that handles the user's interaction with the Shopping Trolley.

Exception Summary
ShoppingConfigException A ShoppingConfigException is throw if we encounter a problem configuring the Melati Shopping Trolley.

Package Description

Melati Shopping Trolley Interface.

This package is for implementation of web sites where users add and remove items in a "trolley" before entering their details and confirming payment. The system can calculate the cost including delivery, sales tax etc., redirect to another site for payment and confirm the order.

The packages is designed to be flexible and exact details depend on the subtypes implemented for these abstract classes:

Default implementations are provided.

Trolley is a Melati based servlet.

MelatiShoppingConfig is for configuration.

A readme.txt in the source provides additional information for installation and use of this package.

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